Looking back on these past few months, I can scarcely believe how much has happened! I guess it goes to show how crazy this year has been that it has taken me six months to write a life update. January through May slipped by so, so fast! It is just now that I feel like I am finally settling into a sort of routine and finding my "new normal" in my post-grad life. I cannot help but be blown away by how God has brought me through every circumstance He has put into my life. I definitely was not always thankful in the moment, but I have tried to rest in the assurance that His plans for my life are so much richer than mine!
If I had to pick one word that God has put on my heart recently, it would be "hope." We live in a world where new challenges come up every moment, and it so easy to become discouraged. When our hopes and dreams slip away, we immediately focus on the pain of the moment. This is natural for us, and it isn't a sin in an of itself. The problem comes when we begin to lose sight of the promise of the future. God's dreams for us are far richer than anything you or I could ever come up with! I have come to hold onto the precious hope this brings me, especially as I have seen Him bring new people, new circumstances, and new joy into my life. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." God's hope brings strength that will never fail us, dreams that will never die, and promises that will always be kept. No matter how many times our own plans fall through, we can throw ourselves on the confidence that God has got this, and every single moment of our lives is a part of His perfect plan.
Several months ago I remember feeling so incredibly weary. I longed for friendships that I had once enjoyed, people who had once been close, and plans I had once pursued. I struggled to hold onto the spark of hope that I still clung to, but I didn't really have a good sense of what it was founded in. Psalm 33:18 spoke to my heart: "But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love." God's eyes are on ME! How on earth can I even begin to wrap my mind around that?! Even if I stubbornly go after what I think is best for myself, God has promised to patiently and relentlessly pursue me and guide me back into His way. All I need to do is place my hope in Him.
I've had a LOT of changes in my life recently. If you would have told me a year ago where I would be now, I never would have believed you! Yet I am certain that no matter what this next year has in store for me, I can face it with the certainty of hope placed in a God Who has his eyes on me and loves me with an unfailing love! Here are some of the things He has had planned for me over the past couple of months...
As most of you know, in January of this year I accepted a job in Birmingham at Children's of Alabama. Children's was my dream hospital, and I couldn't turn down a position I knew would be such an incredible opportunity. I'll admit, moving to a new city two hours away from my family and friends scared me to death, but it has been one hundred percent worth it. My coworkers are some of the sweetest, most patient people you will ever meet. They cheerfully put up with my endless stream of questions and have made me feel like I am an important part of the unit even as a unexperienced "baby" nurse! I have learned more in my first several months of nursing than I ever could have imagined. I have gone from being absolutely terrified to slipping down an NG tube or calculating blood sugars to confidently starting G tube feeds and explaining insulin calculations to new onset diabetics. Don't get me wrong, my confidence has grown in certain areas, but I learn every single day how much more I need to know! Still, I feel like I have all the best resources and people to go to whenever I need advice or even just someone to listen to me vent a little after a frustrating shift! It is such a blessing and one I certainly don't take for granted.
The friendships I have made outside of work have also become so precious to me. I was invited to join a group called Sub25 in Gardendale, and I have come to treasure and every one of these precious people! They immediately welcomed me with open arms, helped me to get plugged into their community and faithfully stood by me as I've adjusted to living in a brand new city. It always makes my day when I get a text asking how someone can be praying for me or inviting me out for a cup of coffee. I couldn't have done it without my Sub25 friends. Whether we are reading the Bible together, having kickball or bocce ball tournaments, playing card games into all hours of the night, or just laughing with and enjoying each other, I always leave our studies feeling so thankful and refreshed!
I moved!! This past weekend I moved from my apartment in Lakeshore to downtown Birmingham. My short-term lease ended, and I signed up for a year long lease at my new apartment. It was definitely an adventure to get all of my things transferred to my new place, but it feels good to have a more long-term housing plan! I am slowly but surely becoming familiar with the Birmingham area. I'm still not a city kind of girl, but I am finding some fun spots in my new area! If you all have any suggestions for neat places to explore in Birmingham, definitely let me know. It doesn't help that I am hopeless with directions, and signs like the ones below don't help me at all!
The way my work schedule is laid out, I have a lot of days off in a row. Whenever I'm not working in the hospital, I have kept myself busy with NCLEX and nursing school tutoring! I have been tutoring online two to three days per week, and it has been an awesome experience. I really enjoy teaching, and it honestly helps me keep up to date with things I learned in nursing school that I don't necessarily apply every day. The flexiblity is amazing, and it helps that I do love the material!
Anyone who knows me knows I am crazy about my family! Two hours is close enough for me to get my big family fix whenever I need it. I can catch up on all the snuggles with little Owen, bowling with the kids, games, or fun cooking projects. I couldn't be more thankful for the weekends I am able to spend at home with my favorite people in the world!
Brandan loves messaging me from Shaila's email and never fails to bring a good laugh and a smile to my face!
Of course, I couldn't write a life update without including my dear boyfriend, Brendan. We officially started dating a couple weeks ago, and I couldn't be more thankful! Brendan is the most supportive, sweet, thoughtful guy I could have ever asked for. I'm most definitely counting down the days until he comes to visit me! Long-distance isn't easy, but it is worth every moment when you are doing it with the right person. Thank you, Brendan, for making my heart so very happy!
I cannot thank enough everyone who has so lovingly and faithfully prayed for me over the past few months. My family, Brendan, coworkers, Sub25 friends church family, and NH friends have made the past couple of months a season of joy in the midst of change. I love you all so very much!! Thank you for following my nursing journey.